Shab e Barat HD Wallpapers Pictures Free Download

Shab e Barat Best Urdu Quotes

About Shab e Barat or Shaaban Night:

Mid Shaban (shaaban) or Shab e Barat is the fifteenth day of the 8th month of the Islamic lunar calendar that is the most scarce day for all Muslims of the world. The next night of the month is known as Laylatul Bara’ah or Laylatun Nisfe min Shabaan in the all Arab area of the world. And is well known as Shab-e-barat (شب برات) in Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and other Asian countries.

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All these names Shab-e-Barat are understood to be the nighttime of records, the night of obligation, the night of freedom, or the night of the escape, and the celebration involve a cheerful nightlong vigil with prayers and reciting of the Holy Quran.

What to Read on Shab e Barat or Mid Shababan: 

Surah Yaseen Shareef (سورة يس‎)
Surah Mulk ( سورة الملك‎).
Surah Alif Lam meem Sajdah (سورة السجدة‎).
Performing nawafil prayers Reciting the Holy Quran and spend all night in the Worship Great Lord The Only One Allah.

Shab e Barat in hadiths And Shab e Barat HD Wallpapers Images:

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “Verily, one of the worst lies is to claim wrongly to be the son of somebody other than one’s real father, or to claim to have had a vision one has not had, or to attribute to me what I have not said.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 4.712 and Narrated by Wathila bin Al Aqsa)

Shab e Barat night is spent by Muslims by performing Nawaafil, reciting the Holy Qur’an, Salawats, Kalima Tayyibah, and looking for and seeking forgiveness for God. The latest Islamic Wallpapers and Pictures of this beautiful event are here for you.

Here we are sharing Shab e Barat latest HD wallpapers and Pictures that include the Happy Shab e Barat sms in Urud, Shab e Barat facebook pictures, Shab e Barat or Shaaban pics in Urdu and Shab e Barat hadith pictures for our beloved Muslims. Share Shab e Barat latest wallpapers for facebook timeline or as Shab e Barat cover photos. Look the latest Shab e Barat HD Wallpapers for your desktop mobile and tablets.

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